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Volatility Forecasting of USD/NTD Exchange Rate and Its Relationship with Forward Exchange Rate: Effects of Forecasting Performance and Trading Volume
作者 劉祥熹 (Hsiang-Hsi Liu)楊慈珍
The purpose of this study is to probe the volatility forecasting of NTD/USD exchange rate and the relationships between the spot and forward exchange markets. In order to forecast the volatility of rate of change for exchange rate, this study applies stochastic volatility model, GARCH model, GARCH-M model, EGARCH model, TGARCH model and GJR-GARCH model to proceed this purpose. Comparing the forecasting performance of each model, we find that the VEC-TGARCH model is better to describe the relationship between the spot and forward exchange markets. The sample period is from January 2,2001 to November 30,2005. Major conclusions of this study are shown as follows. Firstly, the result of the unit root test shows that the NTD/USD spot exchange rate and the NTD/USD forward exchange rate are non-stationary series and have the same integration order I(1).Secondly, by using Johansen co-integration test, the result find that there is a co-integration relationship between the spot and forward exchange markets. Thirdly, there are a volatility clustering phenomenon and an asymmetric effect in spot and forward exchange markets. Fourthly, while taking the return of the forward exchange rate and the trading volume into account, it decreases the volatility clustering effect and fits the model well. It means that the investors should consider the influences of the forward exchange rate and trading volume to make better investment decisions. Fifthly, there are reciprocal cause and effect relationships between spot and forward exchange markets and the reaction of the forward exchange market to the new news is much faster. Sixthly, referring to the single variable model, the performance of the stochastic volatility model is the best, the second comes to TGARCH model. However, when adding the forward exchange rate and trading volume, the forecasting performance become better. As to the overall forecasting performance, the forecasting ability of the bi-variable model is better than that of the single variable model.
起訖頁 117-153
關鍵詞 波動性預測模式即期與遠期匯率共整合GARCH 效果預測績效 Spot and Forward Exchange RatesVolatility Forecasting ModelCointegrationGARCH EffectForecasting Performance
刊名 應用經濟論叢  
期數 200906 (85期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
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