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Female Romance in Ancient and Modern Chinese Society
作者 房智慧張湘寧
Fran Martin曾經提到:「每個人在不同的場合都已戴著一面具了,只是這個面具是隱形的。除非你已經出櫃了,但雖已出櫃,仍戴著出櫃的面具。」「同性戀」這個詞其實在古代中國社會並不存在,直至二十世紀這詞彙才從西方介紹引進,但這並不表示同性戀行為在古代的中國社會是不存在著。
Everyone's already wearing a mask in any case; it's just that the mask's an invisible one, unless you're already out, but then out people ewar the out mask. Just as we designate homosexuals as a special group stigmatizes through being in the "closet," lesbians in Taiwan nowadays have been and are, in the same way, frequently oppressed by conventional society. People sttempt to police homosexuality throungh the law, education, health, etc. For example, the law does not aallow homosexual marriage, or to allow homosexuals to adopt children. In addition, the madia's reports provide a false image of homosexuailty. In the article, I will not only provide an overview of lesbian history in Taiwan, but will also address the issue of "identities" in different eras. The first section will focus primarily on the history of homosexuality in ancient Chinese culture, in particular male prostitution, male concubines, the vogue of "Xiang Gong"(相公) and so on which prove the lack of lesbianism in ancient Chinese history. I will also examine honosexual material in some literary texts. The second section will discuss queer discourses and the development of Taiwanese lesbianism from 1990s to 2000, which is the crucial era in Taiwanese lesbian movements. Through an analysis of past and present, we may understand more fully the lesbian situation, and thus look to the future of lesbia in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-62
關鍵詞 女性情誼女同志古代中國社會男同志台灣Female RomanceLesbianismAncient Chinese SocietyMale HomosexualityTaiwan
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201312 (11:2期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 安置青少年自立生活能力量表之發展與驗證




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