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An Exploration of the State of Employment in Library and Information Science Graduates of Fu Jen Catholic University
作者 張淳淳
Owing to the influences produced by social changes and the technology of information networks, the current states of the education in library and information science and the employment market for library and information science professionals have presented an unprecedentedly new development. In view of this new development in the field of library and information science, this research attempts to carry out a case study on Library and Information Science graduates of Fu Jen Catholic University. Features of the curriculum designed by the Department of Library and Information Science will be introduced. Moreover, the conditions of further study and employment in Library and Information Science graduates in recent years will also be explored in order to analyze the relationship between the competency acquired from university education and its suitability when being applied to employment. To strengthen the competitiveness of their students, in addition to making reformation of the curriculum, the Department has also established a set of basic competency indicators to examine and qualify students' professional abilities. The Department has as well organized a systematic way to trace the states of further study and employment in their graduates, which may provide useful reference for the improvement in teaching.
起訖頁 39-50
關鍵詞 圖書資訊學教育圖書資訊專業人員就業市場輔仁大學基本能力指標Education in library and information scienceLibrary and information science professionalsEmployment marketFu Jen Catholic UniversityBasic competency indicators
刊名 圖書與資訊學刊  
期數 200811 (67期)
出版單位 國立政治大學圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 Digital Learning in Knowledge Society: A Perspective for Asian Countries with India as an Example
該期刊-下一篇 社會網路之建置、分析與視覺化:以台灣學術社群網路為例




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