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The Efficacy of Teaching Taiwanese with Full Romanization on Word Learning and Cross-Linguistic Transfer of English Phonological Awareness
作者 陳麗君 (Li-Chun Chen)許元馨
過去研究指出聲韻覺識(PA)的技能在閱讀發展上扮演重要的角色, 而形素、音素對應較一致的語言,學習者的 PA 能力不僅容易獲得並能轉 移到其他語言上。由於台語羅馬字源自於拉丁文字,而且具有形、音一 致性,本文假設給予學童台語羅馬字的拼讀訓練,能提升學童的識字、 PA 能力以及跨語言轉移的效果。研究參與者取樣自台南市四所小學的一 年級學童,實驗組 98 人、對照組 95 人,共 193 人。研究結果顯示:一、 實驗組的台語文識字能力顯著的高於對照組;二、台羅課程只在一年級 進行,兩年後實驗組學童的台語和英語 PA 能力仍顯著的高於對照組,台 語音首刪除測驗能預測英語的 PA 能力。證明學童一旦習得台語 PA 能力 後,不但可以保持,而且對英語 PA 有正向轉移的效果。
It is found that phonological awareness (PA) plays a crucial role in reading, and that learners with languages having consistent graphemephoneme mapping acquire PA and transfer the skills to new languages more easily. Since Taiwanese Romanization System (TRS) follows consistent grapheme-phoneme correspondence, we hypothesize that children with TRS training acquire PA and learn English more easily. Of the 193 elementary school children who joined in our experiment, 98 were in the experimental group and 95 were in the control group. Our findings are: (a) the TRS reading skills of the experimental group are significantly higher than those of the control group; (b) one year after the TRS program, the children from the experimental group still perform better in PA in both Taiwanese and English tests than those from the control group; (c) a student''s English PA ability can be predicted from their performance on the Taiwanese onset deletion tests. We conclude that once students acquire Taiwanese PA, not only can they retain this ability, but they also positively transfer the skills to English.
起訖頁 229-262
關鍵詞 台語全羅教材聲韻覺識識字跨語言轉移Taiwanese full-TRS textbook phonological awareness word learning cross-linguistic transfer
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 202010 (15:2期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 西多方言接觸帶古全濁聲母今讀塞、塞擦是否送氣的地理分佈
該期刊-下一篇 華語代詞性謂語之事件結構分析




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