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Examining College Students' Green Tableware Carrying Behavior-From the Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective
作者 毛佩娟許含笑吳文童施雅薰簡芳瑜吳倖宜康家綺
本研究立基於計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)觀點,檢視影響外食大學生實際自備環保餐具行為意圖之前置因素。此外,本研究更進一步探討自備環保餐具之前置因素,是否會透過行為意圖的中介效果,進而影響自備環保餐具的實際行為。本研究樣本共計400份,來源為台灣北中南地區之外食大學生。本研究實證結果顯示,在直接效果部分,外食大學生之自備環保餐具態度、同儕影響及政策影響、商家環保優惠及環保餐具取得之便利性皆為正向影響外食大學生自備環保餐具行為意圖之前置因素。此外,在中介效果部分,本研究實證結果顯示,除了政策影響之外,其他前置因素皆會透過自備環保餐具之行為意圖的中介機制,正向影響自備環保餐具的實際行為。最後,本研究提出理論貢獻與實務意涵,同時探討研究限制與未來研究方向。
Based on the perspective of theory of planned behavior (TPB), this research examined the antecedents of carrying green tableware intention for dine-out college students. Furthermore, this research examined whether carrying green tableware intention mediates the relationship between the antecedent of carrying green tableware intention and the behavior of carrying tableware. Total 400 samples were mainly from dine-out college students in Taiwan. For the direct effects, the research findings indicate that environmentally friendly attitude, peer pressure, policy concern, benefits obtained from restaurants and convenience to obtain green tableware all positively influenced college students' green tableware carrying intention. For the mediation effect, research findings indicated that except policy concern, all other antecedents influence green tableware carrying behavior through green tableware intention. Finally, this research not only offers theoretical implications but also practical implications. Meanwhile, this research indicates research limitations and future directions in this field.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 計畫行為理論綠色環保餐具行為意圖theory of planned behaviorgreen tablewarebehavior intention
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 201906 (16:1期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
該期刊-下一篇 五星級旅館員工之情緒智能會影響工作績效表現嗎?探討幸福感的中介效果




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