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中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Early Life of Sarimsaq Khwaja: The Political Difficulties of the Qing Dynasty in Kashgar and Territories West of Pamir, 1759-1784
作者 惠男
乾隆二十四年,清朝在取得平定大小和卓之戰的勝利後,意外地留 下一個隱患:大和卓波羅尼都的幼子薩木薩克脫逃到中亞,並自此蟄伏 數十載,不僅使和卓家族延續下來,也為日後和卓後裔在南疆的捲土重 來積蓄力量。對於這位自幼流落他鄉的和卓後裔,目前仍有兩個關鍵問 題待探討:首先,清朝的喀什噶爾官員在訪查孩童時期的薩木薩克時, 先後得知有兩個薩木薩克存在,但他們的身世至今仍然都是個謎。其次, 成年後的薩木薩克寓居於浩罕汗國是眾所周知的事,但其早年的經歷卻 鮮有人知曉。本文即以這兩個問題為切入點,通過滿文檔案探究薩木薩 克的身世,並展現清朝統治新疆喀什噶爾之初所面臨的內部困境。此外, 本文考述薩木薩克的早年經歷,揭示其與中亞帕米爾高原以西政治人物 的交往,包括巴達克山的統治者素勒坦沙,阿富汗杜蘭尼王朝的君主艾 哈邁德沙和帖木兒沙父子,以及昆都士的總督瑚巴特等。這段鮮為人知 的歷史,對於理解十八世紀清朝和中亞的關係,至關重要。
In the aftermath of the Qing conquest in 1759, the young Sarimsaq Khwaja, brought by his father Burhan al-Din, escaped to Central Asia. Sarimsaq Khwaja and his descendants thenceforth prepared for the Khwaja family's comeback in southern Xinjiang for many years. However, two key questions about Sarimsaq Khwaja are still unresolved. First, the Qing's officials in Kashgar were informed that there were two Sarimsaq Khwajas when they were searching for him, so the truth of Sarimsaq Khwaja's birth remains a mystery. Second, it is a well-known fact that the elder Sarimsaq Khwaja used to live in the Khoqand Khanate, while his early life is little known. This article solves these two questions of Sarimsaq Khwaja's life by using a series of Manchu archives, showing the internal difficulties faced by the Qing dynasty's rule in Kashgar. In addition, it also reveals Sarimsaq Khwaja's intercourse with Badakshan's ruler Sultan Shah, Ahmed Shah and Timur Shah of the Afghan Durrani, and Qubad, the former governor of Kunduz, all of whom were political figures in Central Asian territories west of Pamir. This is crucial to understanding the relationship between the Qing and Central Asia in the eighteenth century.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 大小和卓薩木薩克巴達克山阿富汗昆都士Khwaja brothers Sarimsaq Khwaja Badakshan Afghan Durrani Kunduz
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 202009 (109期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 末代國師:第七世章嘉呼圖克圖




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