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Put the Sword into the Sheath: the Cultural Transmission of the Sword
作者 游添燈權五倫盧亮廷
目的:劍和中華文化息息相關,長久以來,劍早已不在戰場上活躍, 目的 那麼實用性遭到取代,又何以能有劍為百兵之王的文化?劍實際上又是藉 由哪些文化傳衍不息?方法:以宏觀的方式爬梳文獻與研究,蒐集漢以降 典籍中,有關劍術之載錄,以及當今學者有關武術史、鑄劍術、兵器的考 證,藉由文獻蒐羅,在「劍」的功能與象徵意義資料之中,判讀整理,主 要涉及史學、史料、兵器與文化的探討。結果:劍早期輝煌於戰場,到了 東漢逐漸遭到取代,劍在文化托護下浴火重生。官仕練劍,視為一種技藝, 文人之劍,以詩隱喻鞭策自己上進,而信仰涵融下,劍能斬妖除魅、辟邪 除凶,至此劍器地位獲得提升,形成獨特的文化內涵。結論:劍由戰場到 文化的遞嬗,其殺敵的功能消退而遭取代,不過並未因此而銷聲匿跡,反 而獲得了開展的空間和自由,在文化的呼喚中,忽隱忽現,利劍除魅,飄 忽若遊龍,寄託歸藏,獨尊優寵,成就其不滅的傳衍之路。
Swords are closely related to Chinese culture but have not been used in the war for a long time. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to explore the answers to two related questions. Firstly, how can swords still be regarded as ''the king of hundred weapons'' even after they were replaced in a battle? Secondly, how do swords pass down in Chinese culture? To explore these reasons, we will review and organize the literature and research from a macroscopic perspective, collecting the records of the swordsmanship in the books of the Han Dynasty and the scholars' research concerning the history of martial arts, swordsmanship, and weapons. Through the literature collection, this article will interpret the functions and symbolic meanings of the ''sword'', especially focusing on history, historical materials, weapons, and culture. As a widely used weapon in the ancient battlefield, swords were gradually replaced during the Eastern Han Dynasty. However, sword did not disappear under the protection of the culture. Swordsmanship practiced by officials was considered to be a special skill, and
起訖頁 77-99
關鍵詞 劍文化鑄劍佩劍劍舞Sword culture Casting sword Wear a sword Sword dance
刊名 運動文化研究  
期數 201809 (33期)
出版單位 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 皮埃爾.布爾迪厄的場域、習性與資本概念於戶外與冒險活動中的應用




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