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Explore the Sport Socialization of Elite Athletes
作者 江信宏林建宇謝承勳曾國恆
目的:透過優秀運動員的生命歷程來探究運動社會化過程,暸解研究 參與者在運動社會化的過程中如何面對和因應。方法:採用質性研究之半 結構深度訪談,並以敘說分析為主要策略,而研究對象是曾為我國亞洲籍 優秀運動員之一的 T 先生。另外,再利用運動價值係形成過程作為研究 分析之輔助架構,使研究者更深入理解研究參與者之運動社會化過程,將 蒐集資料之分析並重新詮釋研究參與者之生命歷程。結果:重要他人對研 究參與者的態度及行為影響甚深;且生命歷程中,研究參與者常會出現角 色衝突,使運動社會化過程皆產生出正向及負向的情形,而造成影響研究 參與者之重要因素,包含了重要他人及體育相關組織。結論:可分為初級 次級社會化過程,在初級社會化中,重要他人為導向正確的社會價值觀念, 以符合社會之期待;在次級社會化中,非所有的運動社會化之影響媒介對 T 先生都為正向幫助。而在運動社會化的過程中,運動員皆會面臨角色轉 換之衝突,如果重要他人能適時的引導並鼓勵,將能使運動員突破自我設 限,其運動員生命歷程更加順遂。
The main purpose of this study is to utilize a life story of professional athletes, to explore the problems of the process of sport-socialization. The qualitative research was adopted to be the main research strategy. In-depth interviews and narrative analysis were used as the methods for collecting and analyzing data. And the participant is a former athlete who competed internationally, known in this research as Mr. T. Using sports-value to assist the research structure, allowing the researcher to understand the process of sport-socialization of the participant. The results show that the important others, such as a mentor or a close family member, can influence the participant's actions significantly. During his life, the participant often faces the role-conflict itself. It led to both of sides in a positive and negative situation. To conclude that sport-socialization is divided into basic and intermediate forms. In the basic form of socialization, the important others play a key role in directing the participant in the correct and positive-path of his life. In the intermediate form of socialization, not all of the influencing factors of sport-socialization is a positive one for the research participant. In the process of sport-socialization, athletes will face the changes and conflicts of one's character, the important others will be a key factor in guiding and encouraging to challenge one's own limits, and for the athlete to find success in life.
起訖頁 93-115
關鍵詞 優秀運動員生命故事敘說分析社會化過程elite athletes life story narrative analysis sport socialization
刊名 運動文化研究  
期數 201803 (32期)
出版單位 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 現代日本社會中的肚皮舞的性化──以平面媒體為中心




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