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Basketball Battle Field: The Reflective Practice of UBA Suspension Incident
作者 陶以哲盧譽誠李建興 (Chien-Shing Lee)
緒論:2014 年大專院校籃球聯賽中,義守大學與國立臺灣師範大學發生 衝突事件,判定兩隊比賽權沒收及降級,所引發爭議值得探討。研究方 法:以 Schön 之反思性實踐進行主題式分析,梳理出「行動中的反思」, 並兼採 Polanyi 默會知識進行對話;「行動後的反思」則以 Foucault 權 力論述其合宜性。研究結果:一、輿論民調因不同價值取向而形成對 立;法規正當性維護與法學原則性及社會人文脈絡可有迥異觀點;審判 過程存有行政救濟空間。二、標舉教育理想而遂行規律與懲罰者,與導 向球員正向發展立意存在脫鈎矛盾,使球員學生處境相較弱勢,故以創 造性論述勾勒危機處理的有效的方向。研究結論:整體而言,行動中的 反思與行動後的反思有助於揭露事件主體學生球員弱勢處境與值得人文 關懷之處。
Introduction: The student-players'' physical conflict between I-Shou University and National Taiwan Normal University on the University Basketball Association (UBA) tournament 2014 resulted in the deprivation of participation right and 1-year forbidden games for both universities. This controversial decision brought about varied opinions and educational debate. Method: Research data were analyzed by thematic analysis based upon Schön''s reflective practice model. Reflection-in-action combined with Polanyi''s tacit knowledge perspective studied public opinion and sport law. Reflection-on-action focused on objective knowledge and subjective experience, along with Foucault''s power perspective. Results: 1. Sport law found the inconsistent interpretations towards regulation due to various public viewpoints. Respective opinions exist among maintenance of regulation, explanation of law principle, and consideration of socio-cultural context; therefore, there is a potentiality for an administrative relief. 2. Punishment-oriented and tolerance-oriented educational approaches were under debate and in paradox. Because student-players are in a side of disadvantage, an ideal press conference for dialogues among all parties was further suggested. Conclusion: Schön''s reflection in/on action mode helps identify professionals'' reflective practice in UBA''s conflict accident, and highlights more are needed to be done for the minority as student-players in this case.
起訖頁 125-160
關鍵詞 大專籃球多元社會默會知識權力運動文化university basketball pluralistic society tacit knowledge power sports culture
刊名 運動文化研究  
期數 201709 (31期)
出版單位 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 路跑民族誌──從5公里到54公里(2013- 2017)




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