英文摘要 |
This article follows the researches of Baumol (1986), DeLong (1988), Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992), and discusses the regional convergent facts of Taiwan. The empirical results support the hypothesis of β convergence but the explanatory power is low. Copula methods are applied to explore this finding. This article tries to incorporate the probability function, which is different from the mean and variance estimation method. Firstly, kernel density estimation of regional income has been used to describe the income distribution. The Bentham type social welfare function of Taiwan conforms to the first-order stochastically dominance theory based on the region smoothing kernel function. Secondly, probability analysis has been applied to explore the convergent facts. With the probability analysis, the relationship between growth and initial income is constructed. From the regional development perspective, the joint probability of historical data confirms the possibility of "out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss" meaning that there are chances for the poor to get out of the poverty. Poor counties have 50% probability to become better, but there are also 33% probabilities that they will stay at relative poverty. However, the growth rate of rich counties has low probability to surpass the current economical advantages. |