中文摘要 |
轉眼間,《當代中國通訊》第四期出刊了。首先我們很高興地有更多當代中國中心的執委共同協助本通訊編輯的工作,但願通訊也隨著更受讀者歡迎。回顧過去這個學期,當代中國研究中心舉辦了一次國際學術會議:「帝國夾縫中的台灣」,本期刊登此次會議圓桌論壇精彩的節錄,分享我們此次會議所得到豐富的知性之果。 In publishing this fourth issue or the Contemporary China Newsletter, we are happy to announce that more executive members from our Center have now joined the editorial team. We sincerely hope our readers will welcome them as much as this new issue. The Center for Contemporary China held an International conference on ''Taiwan at the Edge of Empires.'' Excerpts from the round table discussion at the conference arc published here so that readers can share with us its intellectual richness. The feature articles address the topic ''the Free Trade Agreement between China and ASEAN.'' This topic reflects our concerns regarding the rising political and economic influence of China in South east Asia. |