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A Mechanism to Screen Industry-University Partners and Allocate Negotiation Resource
作者 蕭堯仁陳幼蘭
The trend of modern industry is facing the wisdom and wisdom of information, product life cycle rapid change, innovation and research become the key factor in the enterprise leader. In addition to its own internal strength of internal strength, enterprises can also use external scientific research to enhance self-competitiveness to speed up industrial upgrading, and industry-academia cooperation for the acquisition of knowledge and technology a good channel. However, the need for a set of effective media model, quickly lead the industry and the two sides reached an agreement, and then began to substantive cooperation, including systematic analysis and recording tools. In this study uses the TOPSIS performs protocol benefit analysis to solve the sorting problem; then, through projection analysis, finds the improvement items and targets for each unit, and then uses virtual multiplier analysis to find out the priority improvement items to maximize the improvement. In order to effectively improve its efficiency. Finally, from the industry-university cooperation candidate partners, the priority order and allocate negotiation resource can be quickly determined, the AMPL system can be optimized, the time schedule of the two parties can be shortened, and the benefits can be optimized under limited resources. This study takes the example of simulating 30 enterprises of different scales, for example, through this mechanism, the priority of quick agreement can be selected from many industry and education cooperation candidates. At the same time, it is possible to grasp the needs of enterprises and the factors of early consideration before the agreement, focus on the agreement projects and targets, shorten the agreement schedule, accelerate and improve the effectiveness of the agreement, and create a win-win society.
起訖頁 31-59
關鍵詞 產學合作篩選機制協商資源配置Industry-University CollaborationScreening MechanismAllocate Negotiation Resource
刊名 科技管理學刊  
期數 201906 (24:2期)
出版單位 中華民國科技管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 金融科技(FinTech)商業模式策略優化研究:以法遵科技(RegTech)為例
該期刊-下一篇 運用UTAUT模型探討不同產品類型行動適地性廣告之用戶接受度




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