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The ways of showing identity: The investigation of the trend in thesis writing of Taiwan indigenous literature
作者 陳芷凡
台灣原住民族文學的學位論文趨勢,一方面受到文學作品出版、文學場域的影響,另一方面則回應了台灣不同階段的「原住民族」論述。本論文將從口傳文學、邊緣發聲之研究目的以及望向多方的策略姿態,指出原住民族文學學位論文的二個趨勢:一、回應傳統的立場。研究者留意神話傳說於作品、藝術創作之再現,以此辯證口述傳統的當代意義。二、跨界對話的嘗試。除了延續邊緣發聲,突顯原住民族自1980年代以來爭取「我是誰!」的關懷,研究者開始關注各種對話形式,不僅包括文學與音樂、影像的媒介研究,也涵蓋作品中原住民族文化混雜的表述,如何與不同世代、群體銜接,進一步深化作品呈現「我可以是誰?」的策略姿態。本篇論文指出此趨勢回應了學者James Clifford對原民振興的見解,具體呈現原住民族文學研究趨勢望向多方、厚實族群主體的實踐。
The trend in thesis writing of Taiwan indigenous literature is affected by literary works and the perspectives of literary research for indigenous issues, but also the change of ethnic discourse in Taiwan. In terms of the related studies of indigenous literature, this paper attempts to demonstrate two types of research approaches. First, researchers have begun to stress the significance of myths and legends for literary writing and related artistic creations, especially for the relationship between folklore, cultural inheritance, and resurgence. Second, research approaches to identity studies have shifted from marginal voices to diverse dialogue; this also means that thesis writing of Taiwan indigenous literature have sought to indicate the strategic representation of ''whom I want to be?'', rather than a struggling statement of ''who I am!'' Subsequently, this paper would further connect these trends to the insights of James Clifford with both strategic uses of tradition for resurgence and diverse approaches to indigenous literature studies.
起訖頁 63-81
關鍵詞 台灣原住民族文學學位論文原民振興認同Taiwan indigenous literaturethesis writingresurgenceidentity
刊名 民族學界  
期數 201904 (43期)
出版單位 國立政治大學民族學系
該期刊-上一篇 原住民族教育在研究與發展的共振
該期刊-下一篇 雅美語鼻音替代規律探討與其分群




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