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An Extension of UCIS-X Indexing Method for Integrating Distributed XML Data
作者 許金玉許雯絞廖宜恩
XML(可擴展標記語言)是一種半結構化的標記語言,亦是網路上廣泛使用於資料交換和儲存文件的標準。近年來已經有許多研究議題,探討如何建立XML索引以加快查詢速度,但是當XML文件包含XLink和XPointer元素以用來表示文件資源之間的關聯時,大多數建立索引的方法並未針對這類的屬性內容加以處理,而忽略其隱含的資訊。許多研究XLink/XPointer議題的論文,著重在將XLink/XPointer的元素轉換成類似HTML的超連結(Hyperlink)功能,讓使用者可以透過瀏覽器檢視XLink/XPointer元素鏈結的資訊。另有一些研究雖然提供查詢功能,卻未加入索引機制的概念。故本研究的目的在於延伸UCIS-X(An Updatable Compressing and Indexing Scheme for XML)索引方法,加入支援XLink/XPointer的功能,建立一個兼具索引機制、XPath查詢與瀏覽功能的系統。本系統可以透過文件中的XLink屬性,整合多個XML文件,達成分散式環境中的資料透通性(Data Transparency)。
XML(Extensible Markup Language), a semi-structured markup language, is a widely used standard format for data exchange and storage of documents on the Web. In recent years, many XML indexing methods have been proposed to speed up query processing. However, when the XML document contains XLink and XPointer elements, which are used to represent the association between the file resources, most of the indexing methods ignore the underlying information of XLink and XPointer. Most of researches on handling queries involving XLink/XPointer focused on transferring XLink/ XPointer elements to HTML-like hyperlinks. Then the users can view the information of XLink/XPointer elements through the browser. Although there are some papers employing the XLink/XPointer mechanism for expressing references between XML documents, they didn't integrate the indexing methods into the systems. The purpose of this thesis is to enhance the functions of the UCIS-X(an Updatable Compacted Indexing Scheme for XML documents)so that distributed XML documents that are linked by XLink/XPointer can be queried transparently. A system that includes the indexing mechanism, query processing, and browsing capabilities is also developed.
起訖頁 17-31
關鍵詞 XML索引XML查詢XLink,XPointer分散式XML資料XML IndexUCIS-XXLink,XPointerDistributed XML Data
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 201212 (5:3期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 應用複合多評準決策建立創新行銷專案績效評價體系
該期刊-下一篇 以社會交換理論修正模式探討知識社群之持續使用意願




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