英文摘要 |
Incorrect health care guidance led to patientinjury. Good health education can preventcomorbidities. This project uses team resourcemanagement to improve the accuracy ofhealth education guidance for people withdiabetes. According to the current situationanalysis, the correct rate of health educationguidance is only 58.2%. The reasons are: (1)not knowing the team resource managementmode, (2) lack of diabetes health educationguidance training, (3) no standard process ofdiabetes health education guidance. (4) Lackof auxiliary teaching tools for diabetes, (5)Failure to establish a diabetes health educationguid-ance monitoring system. Throughintervention measures (1) organize teamresource management and diabetes courses,(2) formulate health education instructionstandard workbooks, (3) health educationleaflets and posters, (4) health educationinstruction manuals, (5) purchase additionalbooks and Teaching materials, (6) makingfoot care and exercise instruction videos, (7)referral to health teachers, and (8) establishingmonitoring mechanisms. The correct rate ofhealth education guidance for diabetic patientswas increased from 58.2% to 98%, providingcorrect health education guidance to urgepatients to implement health management toimprove the effectiveness of self-care in thefuture. |