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亞太經濟管理評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Study on Brand Perception Position of Smart Phone
作者 梁文科李文欣
最佳指標(Aaker, 1991)。雖然品牌權益早已成為影響消費者購買產品時的主要因素,且過去也有眾多學者品牌權益的概念運用於消費者行為研究當中,但運用在近年來才崛起的智慧型手機產業之研究卻並不常見。本研究將以Aaker(1991)所提出衡量品牌權益當中的四個構面(品牌知名度、品牌聯想、知覺品質、品牌忠度)作為評估準則,並根據資策會(2011)台灣智慧型手機市場佔有率之調查結果,以Samsung Apple HTC Nokia以及Sony Ericsson此五大品牌做為評估客體,透過常用於市場定位及競爭分析的「多元尺度法」,調目前在消費者心目中,此五大品牌智慧型手機在各個準則上的表現,並以居住在台灣北、中、南三大地區已有智慧型手機之消費者為研究對象,以網路問卷方式蒐集樣本。研究結果如下:
1. 在人口統計變數對於各因素構面之變異數分析當中,除了每月可支配所得對於知覺品質有顯著差異外,其均無顯著差異。
2. 消費者對於不同品牌智慧型手機之品牌權益屬性評估有顯著差異。
3. 透過多元尺度分析結果顯示,並沒有任何一個品牌與理想品牌屬於同一群,其中Apple屬於領先群、Samsun與HTC兩者為競爭群、Sony Ericsson為潛力群、Nokia則為落後群。
In recent years, with innovation and advancement of technology, the smartphone industry is becoming more competitive. When consumers are face with range of products available in the market, the “brand” often becomes one of the key factors in consumer decisions. Among the key factors, “brand equity” is regarded as one of the best indicators to a measure the quality of a brand (Aaker, 1991). Although brand equity has already become a major factor affecting consumer purchase, and in the past there have been numerous scholars using the concept of brand equity among consumer behaviour research, it was not commonly used in the recent boom of the smartphone industry.
This research will adopt Aaker (1991) four dimensions of brand equity (brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty) as the criteria for evaluation. The Institute of Information Industry (2011) conducted a Taiwanese smartphone market share research based on the major five brands, Samsung, Apple, THC, Nokia and Sony Ericsson. This research will investigate each brand’s performance through “multidimensional scaling” to evaluate consumer perception. Multidimensional scaling is commonly used to assess market position and competitive analysis. Online questionnaire was established and distributed to smartphone users from the northern, central and southern regions of Taiwan to collect sample data. The results are as follow:
1. Consumers with various monthly disposal incomes have different perceived quality, but no other significant difference in other areas.
2. Consumer perception in smartphone’s brand equity is different.
3. Through multidimensional scaling analysis, no brand or ideal brand belongs in the same group. Apple belongs to the leading group, Samsung and HTC are both competitive group, Sony Ericsson is a potential group and Nokia is a behind group.
起訖頁 83-116
關鍵詞 品牌權益智慧型手機多元尺度法Brand EquitySmart PhoneMultidimensional Scaling
刊名 亞太經濟管理評論  
期數 201309 (17:1期)
出版單位 中華亞太經濟與管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 金融產業之間的風險傳染──台灣實證研究




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