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Possible Thinking of Extremely Violent Crimes-Taking the Case of Homicide and Separation from May to August 2018 as an Example
作者 王伯頎
台灣地區於 2018 年 5-8 月,陸續發生了四件駭人聽聞的分屍案件,為 歷年罕見。正因其發生頻率較歷年多且不尋常,且手段極度暴力兇殘,自然 成為媒體追逐及報導的焦點,造成社會集體恐懼,人心惶惶。因此,本文藉 由這四件分屍案當作開端,並說明國內外分屍案相關研究,再進一步論述分 屍案加害人可能行兇動機、心理與行為分析,再論是否因媒體持續的報導, 而導致潛在犯罪人模仿效應的發生,導致更多類似憾事的發生,再說明社會 集體恐懼之後,尤其是分手後的自我保護對策。最後,思考亂世用重典是否 能有效遏止極度暴力犯罪的發生,期望對殺人分屍所帶出的一連串值得思考 的議題,能有更全面的了解,並能遏制下一件憾事的發生。
In the period of May-August 2018 in Taiwan, four horrific cases of corpse have occurred in succession. Because of its frequent occurrence and unusual frequency, and the means of extreme violence and ferocity, it has naturally become the focus of media chasing and reporting, causing social collective fear and people's hearts. Therefore, this article takes the four disintegration cases as the beginning, and explains the related research on the corpse cases at home and abroad, and further discusses the possible motives, psychology and behavior analysis of the perpetrators in the corpse case, and whether it is due to continuous media coverage. The occurrence of imitative effects by potential criminals leads to more similar regrets, and then to the social collective fears, especially after the break-up. Finally, thinking about whether the key to chaos in the world can effectively curb the occurrence of extreme violent crimes, and hope to have a more comprehensive understanding of a series of issues worthy of thinking about the murderous corpse, and can curb the next regret.
起訖頁 181-199
關鍵詞 暴力犯罪模仿效應殺人分屍violent crime imitation effect murder corpse
刊名 刑事政策與犯罪研究論文集  
期數 202010 (22期)
出版單位 法務部司法官學院犯罪防治研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 組織犯罪的國際分布、漫延與防制
該期刊-下一篇 刑事程序中的個資保護——德國刑事訴訟法第8編(§§474-499 StPO)逐條釋義




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