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The seizure to ensure the execution of confiscation and fine
作者 吳俊毅
為保全刑法第 38 條第 1 項、第 38-1 條第 3 項追徵的執行,刑事訴訟法 第 133 條第 2 項規定:「為保全追徵,必要時得酌量扣押犯罪嫌疑人、被告 或第三人之財產。…」按照刑事訴訟法第 133-1 條第 2 項第 2 款,「應扣押 的標的」是這個為保全追徵扣押命令(扣押裁定)的應記載事項。追徵是為 了肅清財產,透過直接取得相對人的現金,或者把他的財產「變現」,以實 現與沒收標的相當價額的請求權。本文想從這個扣押的正當性以及性質的掌 握開始,按照這個暫時性的保全措施的命令與執行,以及,在當事人無資力 時,保全追徵執行扣押的執行和其他的金錢請求權在實現上的關係等問題的 討論順序,進行體系性的探索。此外,同樣是為了實現金錢的請求權,為了 保全罰金刑的執行,基於前面為保全追徵的扣押的討論結果,從基本權干預的正當性基礎的要求以及過度禁止的角度,建議未來臨時保全措施也應將此目的納入。
In order to ensure the success of provisional attachment in Article 38 paragraph 1 and Article 38-1 paragraph 3 Criminal Code ROC. is The Code of Criminal Procedure of ROC. so written: ''The owner, possessor, or custodian of the property subject to seizure may be ordered to surrender...'' According to Article 133-1, Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the ''subject to be seized ''schould be clearly written in the writ for Seizure. Seizure is used to eliminate the property, by ''realizing'' his property to realize the claim of the price equivalent to the confiscation. This article wants to start from the legitimacy and nature of this seizure, in accordance with the order and execution of this temporary safeguard measure, and, when the party is not funded, to preserve the execution of execution and other monetary claims. The order of discussion of the relationship and other issues is systematically explored. In addition, in order to realize the claim of money, in order to preserve the execution of fines, based on the results of the previous seizure of seizures, from the perspective of the justification of the basic rights intervention and the excessive prohibition, it is recommended that the future temporary preservation Measures should also incorporate this purpose.
起訖頁 95-115
關鍵詞 扣押假扣押追徵罰金扣押登記禁止處分Seizure provisional attachment compulsory collection Fine Seizure registration Obstacle of Disposition
刊名 刑事政策與犯罪研究論文集  
期數 202010 (22期)
出版單位 法務部司法官學院犯罪防治研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 法人刑事責任之歸責法制——以美國模式為核心
該期刊-下一篇 以3R理論談假釋之社會復歸本質與司法審查




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