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The Research and Social Practice of Regional Innovation in Local Towns: A Culture Approach
作者 劉玉山
Traditional theory of economic growth alone can no longer help us in bringing up the vitality needed by society| this shall be more clearly shown by the effect of COVID-19 on global economy. We also propose that if we want to rejuvenate our social system and bring back innovation in our society, we must look up to spiritual level and contextual culture more carefully. The past experience of this author in carrying out USR-related Hakka innovation in Chiung Lin Township and the recent innovative case of Atayal people near Jian Shi Township have all validated this belief. Hakka has regained its energy and spiritual level not so much as by how much they gain control over public power in a traditionally Hakka-excluded society as in how much they educate their children to love Hakka Legacy and try to explore the historical development of Hakka people. Also during the collaborating with Atayal people in Jian Shi Township, we once more found that only the elements of spiritual culture can nurture the seed for sustainable regional development, and Cultural Renaissance and awareness is indeed the first step toward the successful renovations of local places.
起訖頁 1-7
關鍵詞 大學社會責任區域創⽣客家泰雅地方文化⽣命力USRRegional InnovationHakkaAtayalLocal CultureLife Vitality
刊名 東亞論壇  
期數 202006 (508期)
出版單位 大華科技大學商務與觀光管理學院
該期刊-下一篇 影視直播系統開發應用之研究




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