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Taoyuan County, Chungli City Female Students of the College Purchase Behavior Patterns-Taking the Powder Foundation as the Example
作者 趙伯良
Makeup in everyday life has become more and more common sense, which presents in the realm of social progress. With living standards be improving, the pursuit of beauty of nature is getting higher and higher. So-called only lazy ones in the world, there are no ugly women. So the appropriate makeup can change a person's face, or through the makeup to highlight themselves. Base on the method of E-K-B, the study presents consumer behavior model as a conceptual framework, with three lifestyle changes and demographic statistics as an input variable, and the AIO lifestyle variables as a basis for classification, field survey of the consumption variables as description, analysis of the female consumer characteristics of consumer behavior. The scope of the study includes the purchase and potential consumers; Research object for Chung-Li, female college students buying power of female consumers; Random mining scene, dominated by consumer 100-600 consumers. All of the research results that are consumers buy goods, most would consider high and low price, prompting the purchase desire and analysis of empirical data to SPSS software.
起訖頁 51-62
關鍵詞 化妝品購買行為消費動機CosmeticBuying behaviorConsumer motivation
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201306 (9:1期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 OEM轉型OBM廠商核心能力轉換之研究──以富比積國際有限公司為例




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