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International Supply Chain: R&D Efforts and International Trade Specialization-The Case of Taiwan
作者 顏思偉
In this study we mainly discuss the relationship between R&D efforts and trade vertical specialization. Along with progressive elimination of trade barriers and global position of multination enterprises, the nature of international trade has changed. This has led to changes in international trade patterns over recent years such that a product might be designed in country A, manufactured in country B, assembled in country C, and then exported to many other countries. Some empirical literature has also pointed out that trade vertical specialization produces an obvious contribution to export growth. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to assess the inter-industry linkage effect generated by R&D efforts under an inter-industry linkage structure, and evaluate the diffusion effect. Another objective of this paper is to measure trade vertical specialization levels and trends in manufacturing industry, and to build a new empirical model using an input-output analysis approach, through which the relationship between the industry-linkage diffusion effect of R&D efforts and trade vertical specialization is examined. Using longitudinal data and input- output tables from 1995 to 2002 in Taiwan's manufacturing industry, the empirical results reveal that there exists a significant correlation between the diffusion of R&D efforts and the level of trade vertical specialization.
起訖頁 19-30
關鍵詞 供應鏈R&D產業關聯效果貿易垂直專業化supply chainR&Dinter-industry linkage effecttrade vertical specialization
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201206 (8:1期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 外資為何在台灣金融市場瘋狂借券?──以2008年金融崩解及其後效為鑒
該期刊-下一篇 電力行業上市公司現金股利政策影響因素實證研究




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