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A Study on Tourist Hotel which as Partners of Sandwich Teaching System in Satisfaction at Practicum-An Example of Students from the Department of Hospitality Education in Vocational Colleges
作者 談心怡林廣易王登群
The purpose of this study is to investigate the ways how demographic and occupational characteristics of current tourist hotels managers influence their perceptions on sandwich courses in satisfaction. The study also attempt to provide a summary and also reflection on current department of hospitality education in vocational colleges in Taiwan. Based on a combination of the result from in-depth interview and literature review, questionnaire using convenience sampling have been applied to subject who are currently managers by Taiwanese tourist hotels. Returned and valid questionnaires totaled 214 copies, and were analyzed using SPSS. The results are enumerated below: 1. The currently satisfactory of sandwich course system: Tourist hotels managers have positive response to the sandwich course system. They think it is a good way to cultivate student's rights and obligations. 2. The skeleton established to the satisfactory research is correct: The statistics of ”SPSS” put the four causes of ”the present satisfactory of sandwich course” into analysis, the result comes out that they are definitely related. The result can explain that the proposal of this research as ”the present satisfactory of sandwich courses” can explain the satisfactory of sandwich courses to the present tourist hotels managers accordingly. This research is not only on the basis of theory, but also gathered the opinions of hotel senior directors by research papers. The concrete content of this research should be able to let correlate organizations understand the basis of sandwich course and to breed the outstanding staffs with professional skills for our hospitality.
起訖頁 43-59
關鍵詞 技專校院三明治教學滿意度Vocationalcollegessandwich courseteaching system satisfaction
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201006 (6:1期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 員工分紅費用化新制度影響分析及台企因應策略
該期刊-下一篇 科技類股投資組合交易策略與決策研究




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