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The Positioning Analysis for the Candidates of Taipei City Mayor Election in 2018 via Text Mining Online
作者 曹修源方鄒昭聰林慶昌吳采軒
As to the era of big data, the volume of data has exploded in our lives. If data can be analyzed effectively, the results will create significant values in business. Recently, as social media blooming, people are used to sharing opinions on social media. Therefore, the data analytics for social media is in the spotlight. Furthermore, the effect of social media is significant in the field of politics because internet comments are closely related to the image of politicians. If unstructured data can be analyzed, the results will become important in evaluating politicians. Big data and sentiment analysis are developing, researchers have applied sentiment analysis to evaluate politicians based on the English Lexicon but none of them used Chinese Lexicon to conduct sentiment analysis. This study focuses on the candidate analysis of Taipei City Mayor Election in 2018. For the research, the researcher establishes the Chinese Characteristics Keyword Lexicon on the basis of sentiment analysis, analyzes the internet comments on the Facebook fan pages of three candidates and calculates text sentiment scores on the five dimensions in order to evaluate the performance of politicians on each dimension. The innovative way of data mining and sentiment analysis for politicians’ evaluation provide different voices and perspectives for campaign teams to map strategies.
起訖頁 277-293
關鍵詞 文字探勘情緒分析候選人形象data miningsentiment analysiscandidate image
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201912 (17:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
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