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亞洲家庭暴力與性侵害期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Self-recovery of Sexual Abuse Victims and Their Attitude toward Restorative Justice
作者 陳慧女盧鴻文
Ten sexual abuse victims were interviewed for understanding what they viewed about restorative justice, including how they recovered from their trauma, how they searched for justice, and how they thought the essential factors of restorative justice. The study reveals that they recovered from reading therapy, listening and supporting from good friends, counseling, and they participated the volunteer job. Many victims felt their trauma were not recovery and did not believe they had any equality and justice in the society. Victims hoped that offenders never appear in their life again and did not believe that they will change and feel regretted. Even thought the offenders want to apology, they would only accept while they were regretful sincerely and the offenders need to be in therapy.Regarding the essential factors of restorative justice, the victims thought of completely help from the system and the support from family. The victims also hoped that the offenders admit their mistake and apologize to victims, arise their penalty, to make known to the public and deprive of their status. Regarding the prevention system of sexual abuse, the victims hope that the practitioners have basic training, provide a friendly and respectful environment to the victims, promote the interpersonal justice and procedure justice during treatment. The suggestions for the future were also provided.
起訖頁 29-48
關鍵詞 性侵害被害人修復式正義刑事正義sexualabusesexoffensevictimrestorativejusticecriminaljustice
刊名 亞洲家庭暴力與性侵害期刊  
期數 201307 (9:1期)
出版單位 臺灣家庭暴力與性犯罪處遇協會;中正大學犯罪研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 人我之間:成年女性敘說兒時侵害與際界限
該期刊-下一篇 護理人員對婚姻暴力認知之探討




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