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The Political-Communication Effects of Televised Presidential Debates on First-Time Voters: The Example of 2012 Taiwan President Election
作者 林正士周軒逸 (Hsuan-Yi Chou)
This paper aims to explore the political-communication effects of televised debates on voters in election contexts. In Taiwan, televised debates are still an emerging political-communication tool and an underresearched topic. The major research question in this paper is does televised debates increases voters' turnout intentions and other forms of political participations. Additionally, compared with previous studies which only focused on the impact of the use of different media on election participations, the current papers further discuss the audience's effectiveness evaluations on televised debates and identification with the medium through which the debates are held. Specifically, this paper focuses on first-time voters and conducts an experiment to compare the political-communication effects between voters who watched televised debates of the 2012 presidential election and voters who did not. Results show that watching televised debates can increase voters' issue-related election knowledge. Furthermore, there is a higher possibility for voters who watched televised debates to change their voting target. For medium-evaluation effects, voters who watched debates generate more favorable impact on medium-effectiveness evaluations and medium identification. Finally, voters' long-term political interests, political participation, medium dependence, and TV usage habits moderate the political-communication effects of televised debates. The research findings affirm the positive role of televised debates in political elections and provide related theoretical and practical implications.
起訖頁 47-87
關鍵詞 電視辯論政治傳播選舉參與首投族televised debatespolitical communicat ionselect ion participationsfirst-time voters
刊名 選舉研究  
期數 201405 (21:1期)
出版單位 政大出版社;國立政治大學選舉研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 「92共識」對2012年台灣總統大選的議題效果:「傾向分數配對法」的應用與實證估算
該期刊-下一篇 政治知識的測量




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