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Implementation and Difference Analysis of Web Service Communication Protocol
作者 陳志達
實現服務導向架構(SOA)之網路服務(Web Service)一直是目前雲端運算發展的重要技術之一,它不但擁有跨平台及程式語言獨立的優點更解決應用程式間資料訊息溝通的問題。近幾年在國際標準組織的努力下網路服務技術亦變得越趨成熟,更在眾多大型軟體商對於其技術的開放與資料分享,利用網路服務來提供網際網路中資源的分享已經漸漸成為一種趨勢。所以不論是使用Google的Web API或是FaceBook的Web Developers,透過既有網路服務來發展應用程式的好處與效益已為大家所認同。因此如何選擇一個符合需求的網路服務架構並規劃出未來被大量採用的網路服務亦是眾多系統開發商及Web程式設計師所注意的焦點。而在本次研究中我們將採用SOAP及REST兩種通訊協定提供網路服務資料溝通的管道,並從通訊方式的技術基礎及特性來比較分析目前較成熟之網路服務技術,同時藉由購物網站與網路服務的實做,提供相關建置應用之實務參考。
The implementation of Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) and related services have always been one of the important technologies for the development of cloud computing. It not only has the advantages of cross-platform and programming language independence, but also solves the problem of data communication between applications. In recent years, the Internet service technology has become more and more mature under the efforts of the international standards organizations. In addition, many large software vendors have opened up and shared information on their technologies, and have used network services to provide sharing of resources in the Internet. So whether you use Google's Web API or FaceBook's web developers, the benefits of developing applications through existing web services are recognized. Therefore, how to choose a network service architecture that meets the requirements and plan for the network services that will be widely adopted in the future is also the focus of many system developers and Web programmers. In this study, we will use SOAP and REST communication protocols to provide a channel for network service data communication, and compare and analyze the current mature network service technology from the technical basis and characteristics of communication methods. A shopping Website and web services are implemented to provide practical reference for related application.
起訖頁 19-31
關鍵詞 網路導向架構網路服務SOAPRESTWeb APISOAWeb ServiceSOAPRESTWeb API
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 201812 (11:2期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 以關聯規則為基發掘圖書館讀者適性書籍
該期刊-下一篇 使用深度學習長短期記憶模型推薦適性化教材




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