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Construct Validity of the Sport Tourism Attraction for Love River-Lotus Lake Bikeway Users
作者 陳俊宏蔡沂芝吳勤榮戴昭瑛
本研究發放問卷採立意抽樣之方式,選取於愛河連接蓮池潭自行車道之騎乘遊客為本研究主要對象,並於高雄市愛河連接蓮池潭自行車道之翠華自行車橋出、入口處及愛河之心與真愛碼頭三處進行問卷發放,計發放350份問卷,回收問卷數共計335份,剔除無效問卷29份,共得有效問卷共計306份,有效問卷率為91%。問卷回收後運用SPSS for Windows 12.0與Amos19.0處理。根據資料分析提出研究結果供高雄市政府相關權責單位於日後在進行規劃路線、休憩設施以及維護安全等做為參考,亦對高雄市愛河連接蓮池潭自行車道後續研究者提供後續研究方向建議。
This study applied purposive sampling method to the survey which was conducted by handing out questionnaires to cyclists on the bikeways at three designated sites: the entrance of Tsuei-Hua bike bridge of Love River-Lotus Lake Bikeway, ''Heart of Love River'' and ''Wharf of True Love.'' A total of 350 of questionnaires were handed out and 335 copies were retrieved. Among them, 306 copies (91%) were valid and 29 copies were invalid. The collected data were subjected to analysis using SPSS for Windows 12.0and Amos19.0. The results of this research provide suggestions to the related units of the Kaohsiung City government for future bikeway's development, maintenance and safety consideration. Also, the outcomes of this study may point out the directions for other researchers to follow up.
起訖頁 12-27
關鍵詞 第二代基督徒詹姆士‧福勒信仰階段信仰發展理論敘事研究second generation ChristianJames W. Fowlerstages of faithfaith development theorynarrative research
刊名 體育運動與AMOS統計應用期刊  
期數 201212 (1:2期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學休閒事業管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 保健食品消費者知覺價值及滿意度對行為意圖之影響




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