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Counseling and Psychological Therapy Models Integrated with East-West Cultural Ideology Constructed by Taiwanese Counseling
作者 葉寶玲
諮商模式影響臨床工作甚鉅,然本土建構之諮商模式極其有限。本文針對金樹人、陳秉華以及吳麗娟三位諮商心理學家提出之諮商模式與技術(心理位移、人我關係協調及吳氏凹洞情緒處理模式)加以評析。研究結果發現三人雖均屬整合性理論與技術,陳秉華的協調我概念含攝較多東方文化元素,且撰文發表在國外,而金樹人的心理位移技術則逐漸形成國內社群,吳麗娟之諮商模式理念源自對本土教養方式的批判,卻無進一步發展。未來對華人諮商領域若要發揮更多實質的貢獻,考慮以儒釋道文化的核心價值建構理論與技術,進而與西方諮商理論對照,最後將無東西方之別,建立本土可用之普世性諮商理論。 Counseling models have a great impact on clinical work. However, few counseling models have been constructed locally in Taiwan. This study analyzes and evaluates 3 counseling models that integrate Eastern and Western elements (self-relation coordination, psychological displacement, and rational-emotive self-esteem) proposed by 3 Taiwanese psychologists (Chen Ping Hwa, Jin Shuh Ren, and Wu Li Chuan). The analysis indicated that Chen's concept of selfcoordination includes the most Eastern cultural elements. A domestic community has gradually formed around Jin's psychological displacement technique, and Wu's counseling model originated from criticism of a local parenting style, but has made no further development. Based on the analysis, We should propose further a theory and techniques based on the core values of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism and then compare them with Western counseling theory and techniques in order to establish a localized universal theory that balances the differences between East and the West.
起訖頁 279-330
關鍵詞 本土諮商模式與技術含攝文化的心理學專家—生手諮心理學家counseling psychologycounseling techniqueculture-inclusive theoryindigenousmodel
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201812 (48期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 源自死亡焦慮的宗教委身機制:分析與模型建構




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