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Stoics of Oikeiōsis
作者 丁福寧
The concept of oikeiōsis is the characteristic of Stoic ethics. The ontological foundation of the oikeiōsis is based on its pantheistic material monism. The cosmos is constituted by god (gods), humans and natural world as a complete divine substance. The whole cosmos is controlled and directed by the divine logos. For the stoics, matter is the only true reality. Man is joined by soul and body as a structured wholistic self. The oikeiōsis is in developing processes. Living in accordance with nature and making all those belong to oneself as one's own is the first stage of oikeiōsis at the moment of the birth of all the animals, including humans. At this stage animals attain their oikeiōsis by their instincts. At the beginning of its birth, a baby lives in agreement with its nature just as the way animals do. When it grows up, as its reason develops, living in accordance with nature turns out to be living in accordance with reason. The second stage of oikeiōsis is then to attain summum bonum, leading a virtuous life, since man as rational being is capable of recognizing what his constitution is. Because all men possess the same reason and belong to the same human family, oikeiōsis by nature has social dimension. At the third stage, a man should take into account of his fellow's well-being as his own oikeiōsis. A man should love the others as he loves himself.This paper tries to argue why the Stoics' oikeiōsis concept based on its pantheistic material monism. The reason is its objection to any forms of dualism, especially the Platonic dualism; the dualistic opposition between the immaterial and material worlds, that of the psyche and body, and even that of rational and irrational. The Stoics' oikeiōsis is not only based on its idea of the wholistic cosmos, but also found on that of the structured wholistic self; i.e. the psychophysical whole and the relations between a human being with itself, with the others, and with the natural world. This kind of wholistic ideas of the cosmos and of humans are what Plato denied.
起訖頁 1-52
關鍵詞 斯多噶學派視為己有整全的個體至善自然狀態Stoicsoikeiōsisholistic selfsummum bonumconstitution
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201310 (46期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-下一篇 抽象與具體事物的區分




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