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On the Basic Structure of Self-awareness in Early Nishida-In View of His Discussionof 'Logical Understanding and Mathematical Understanding'
作者 黃文宏
In this article, I attempt to throw some light on the basic structure of self-awareness (jikaku), which is one of the central concepts in the philosophy of Nishida, according to his early essay ”Logical Understanding and Mathematical Understanding” published in 1912. Nishida puts forward a theory of logical development of experience which can be considered as the prototype of self-awareness. Here we can see Nishida's incorporation of ideas drawn from Rickert's and Sigwart's logical thinking, Royce's self representative system and Dedekind's definition of infinity into his own system of self-awareness. We focus on Nishida's Rickert-interpretation. It is my view that merely an infinite self-representative or a self-mirroring system cannot explain all the aspects of Nishida's self-awareness for missing the intuition of the whole, which is the core of the system. This ultimate whole which absolute free will intuits is the totality of being (on) and non-being (me on). I try to clarify its meaning according to Heidegger's interpretation of Kant's productive imagination (produktive Einbildungskraft). The article is divided into four sections. After a brief introduction of the theme and method of the article (section one), I try to reconstruct Nishida's argumentations in logical understanding (section two) and mathematical understanding (section three). Finally in the last section (section four), I discuss some insights of Heidegger's interpretation of Kant's productive imagination, and attempt to expound possible horizons opened by Nishida in his discussion of the ”Absolute Free Will.”
起訖頁 1-40
關鍵詞 京都學派西田幾多郎海德格自覺絕對自由意志直覺Kyoto SchoolNishida KitaroHeideggerself-awarenessAbsolute Free Willintuition
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201203 (43期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-下一篇 從「虛無」到「笑」──論尼采「永恆回歸」之概念




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