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The Thinking of Resonance (Kan-Ying) in Lu Shi Chun Qiu and Huai-nan Tzu
作者 陳平坤
Based on Taoism, Lu shi chun qiu and Huai-nan tzu are two classics of the Qin and Han dynasties. This study is centered on the thinking regarding ”Resonance” (Kan-Ying) and the philosophical views it involves. The study also analyzes and discusses the statements of resonant thinking in these two literary texts to offer an insight into this issue.Starting with explaining the concept of ”Resonance”, the study then points out the philosophical issues that resonant thinking focuses on. In this context, the study analyses the resonant statement of ”Essence-Energy” (Jing-Qi), which is a fundamental principle of ”similarity and sameness” in Lu shi chun qiu. Then, it discusses the resonant thought of the ”joint movement of Energy” and ”Communication between humans and the universe” in Huai-nan tzu. In addition, it illustrates that the inherited concepts of ”single-hearted devotion” and ”complete sincerity” can achieve the maximum effect of resonance in Lu shi chun qiu, and the idea that the ”complete sincerity” emphasizes the ability to exercise ”non-action” and to maintain ”emptiness-tranquility” in detail.Finally, the study explores the concepts of ”Diachrony” and ”Synchronicity” related to resonant thinking so as to develop some other possible issues of philosophical research in the field of resonant thinking.
起訖頁 167-222
關鍵詞 精氣感應無為虛靜呂氏春秋淮南子機體哲學Qi/Energy氣Cheng/Sincerity誠Jing-Qi/Essence-Energy精氣Kan-ying/Resonance感應Wu-wei/non-action無為Xu-jing/emptiness-tranquility虛靜Huai-nan tzu淮南子Lushi chun qiu 呂氏春秋Philosophy of Organism/Organicism機體哲學
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 200610 (32期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 「不二中道」學說相關導航概念的詮釋進路以佛法解開生命世界的全面實相在思惟的導引為詮釋線索




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