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Code-Switching Among Adolescents in School Community-A Sociolinguistic Perspective
作者 陳聰賓 (Tsung-Pin Chen)
Code-switching (CS) and code-mixing (CM) are prevalent language phenomenon in a multilingual society like Taiwan. The major concerns of the present study are the contextual factors and the sociolinguistic implications of these language strategies in adolescent speech within school community, code-switching in particular. In this study, the researcher adopted a qualitative methodology to investigate CS between Mandarin Chinese and Southern Min among adolescents in the school community. Following the questionnaire, field research, and focusing group interviews are three findings. 1) The identified contextual factors or sociolinguistic functions that contribute to CS are: emphasis, interjection, fixed/formulaic expressions, direct quotation, and accommodation. 2) Adolescents' idiosyncratic way of speech accounts for their CS in school context. 3) Adolescents' attitude towards CS between Mandarin Chinese and Southern Min is ambivalent. In order to preserve bilingual proficiency among the younger generation, language planning and language proficiency certification should be considered. Lastly, the study concludes with some suggestions for future research in CS, including cultural identity, language attitude, and community solidarity.
起訖頁 159-196
關鍵詞 語碼轉換語境因素社會語言學學校社群code-switchingcontextual factorsschool communitysociolinguistics
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201905 (41期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 食農教育──減少午餐廚餘,珍惜食糧之行動研究




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