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An Investigation on the Users' Using Status and Satisfaction with Assistive Technology for Mobility: The Case of Borrowing Devices from the Special Education Resource Center in Kaoshiung
作者 洪琉萍曾明基
This study investigated the users' using status and satisfaction with the loaned assistive devices for mobility from the Special Education Resource Center in Kaoshiung through the questionnaire and interviews based on the Taiwanese of Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology ( i.e. T-Quest ) . 54 questionnaires were distributed to teachers and 30 to students. Findings, from the analysis of means and the items on dissatisfaction from interviews, are as follows: (a) The level of satisfaction with assistive devices for mobility from teachers and students ranged between very satisfied and satisfied. Their level of satisfaction on the service itself ranged between satisfied and no comment. The overall satisfaction level concluded as satisfied. (b) Regarding the order of importance to students and teachers, "safety and stability" ranked the top. (c) Most teachers and students complained the procedures/steps of service. (d) The average frequency of use with assistive devices for mobility was 4.48 with the preferred use being daily use. (e) The frequency of abandonment assistive devices for mobility was 3.7%. (f) The average of needs to loan the assistive devices for mobility from the Special Education Resource Center in Kaoshiung was 4.35 with the urgency ranging between need and need desperately.
起訖頁 121-183
關鍵詞 使用現況特教資源中心國小身心障礙學生移行類輔具輔助科技滿意度assistive devices for mobilitySpecial Education Resource Centerstudents with disabilities in the elementary schoolusing statuslevel of satisfaction
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201511 (34期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 我國研究生之研究不當行為的調查研究




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