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Professional Development of Elementary School Affiliated Preschool Teachers in the Central Taiwan
作者 魏宗明劉乙儀 (Yi-Yi Liu)張瑞村 (Ruey-Tsuen Chang)
The purpose of this study was to explore the current states of the preschool teachers' professional development, and the differences of the preschool teachers' professional development with respect to different background variables. The questionnaire of the preschool teachers' professional development was used in this study. The data collections toward exploratory factor analysis find out four factors: the professional knowledge and ability of early childhood and education, the administration, the classroom management, and the explorative integration. 231 preschool teachers in the central Taiwan were the participants.After statistic analysis, the important findings were as follows:1. The score of total teachers' professional development was higher than mean value. And then, the score of 'the professional knowledge and ability of early childhood and education' was the highest than other dimensions.Ⅱ. There were significant differences in the teachers' professional development in terms of the teacher's certificate and duty, but no significant differences in terms of teacher's age, seniority, academic degree, scale and location of preschool.Consequently, according to the suggestions of the result, it offers a suggestion for the administrations, the directors and teachers, and the future study.
起訖頁 137-173
關鍵詞 幼兒園幼兒園教師教師專業發展PreschoolPreschool TeachersTeachers' Professional Development
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201311 (30期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 動機理論融入悅趣化數位學習對國小學生防災教育學習成效之影響




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