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A Study of Elementary School Teachers' Behavior and Potential Motivations to Pirate Software from the Perspective of Ethical Attitudes and Ethical Computer Self Efficacy
作者 尹玫君 (Mei-Chun Yin)
The purpose of this study is of what from the perspective of ethical attitudes and ethical computer self efficacy to understand the elementary school teachers' behavior and potential motivations to the pirate software. The researcher conducted a questionnaire including attitudes towards ethic scale, ethical computer self efficacy questionnaire, potential motivations to pirate software scale and attitudes towards software piracy questionnaire. The research results are as followed:1. Most of the elementary school teachers take positive ethical attitudes, but Ethical computer self-efficacy can be further improved, there are less potential motivations to pirate software and less pirate software behaviors.2. With low and medium ethical attitudes, elementary school teachers' pirate software potential motivations are significantly higher than elementary school teachers with high ethical attitudes. Low ethical attitudes elementary school teachers' pirate software behaviors are significantly higher than elementary school teachers with high ethical attitudes.3. With low and medium ethical computer self-efficacy, elementary school teachers' pirate software potential motivations are significant higher than high ethical computer self-efficacy elementary school teachers. Low and medium ethical computer self-efficacy elementary school teachers' pirate software behaviors are significant higher than high ethical computer self efficacy elementary school teachers.4. Female elementary school teachers' pirate software potential motivations are significant higher than male elementary school teachers. Male elementary school teachers' pirate software behaviours are significant higher than female elementary school teachers. Elementary school teachers whose age are between 21-30, their potential motivations to pirate software are significant higher than those aged between 31-40 and 41-50. Elementary school teachers whose age are between 21-30 and 31-40, their behavior of pirate software are significant higher than those aged between 41-50. There is no significant difference between different educational backgrounds.5. Factors of gender, ethical computer self efficacy and potential motivations to pirate software can significantly predict elementary school teachers' behavior on pirate software.
起訖頁 109-154
關鍵詞 電腦倫理自我效能違反軟體著作權行為道德態度違反軟體著作權潛在動機國小教師Ethical attitudesEthical computer self efficacyPotential motivations to pirate softwareBehavior of pirate softwareElementary school teachers
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201211 (28期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 互動式電子白板融入國小一年級注音符號教學實施成效之研究
該期刊-下一篇 自然科成就測驗試題難度成份分析




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