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Paleodietary pattern of the Yuan-Shan Neolithic people in Taiwan: Evidence from carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic analyses of human skeletons and faunal remains
作者 李政益陳瑪玲林立虹Peter Ditchfield (Peter Ditchfield)王珮玲 (Pei-Ling Wang)林秀嫚A. Mark Pollard (A. Mark Pollard)羅清華蔡錫圭
The application of isotopic analysis on human skeletons and faunal remains has successfully provided insights into the dietary patterns and subsistence systems of prehistoric populations. In this study, seven human skeletons and three faunal remains collected from the Yuan-Shan archaeological site were subjected to carbon and nitrogen isotopic analyses in order to investigate the dietary pattern of Yuan-Shan people. The isotopic results indicated that their diet may have consisted of mainly C3-based foods, such as C3 plants and the animals (e.g. deer and pig) that consumed C3 foods, and marine resources, potentially marine shellfish. The contribution of C4-based foods to the overall diet seemed to be minor. The isotope results conform to the previous paleodietary studies based on the evidences of ecofact and artifact remains of Yuan-Shan site. All available lines of evidence suggest that the Yuan-Shan people practiced hunting, gathering, and C3-plant cultivation as their subsistence activities.
起訖頁 109-137
關鍵詞 古攝食特徵生業策略碳與氮同位素骨膠原圓山文化paleodietary patternsubsistence strategiescarbon and nitrogen isotopesbone collagenYuan-Shan Culture
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 201612 (85期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
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