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Metaphors as Visualized Rhetorical Acts: Exploring the Classical Roots of Visual Rhetorics in the Network Era
作者 沈錦惠
視覺化是網路傳播趨勢,而始終即視覺化嘗試的隱喻,不論形諸語言或圖像影像,皆為誘發認同的語藝行動。本文視隱喻為詩性之知的代表,為銜接傳統語藝與視覺語藝的關鍵。作者先循當代與古典兩路梳理既有隱喻理論,借Lakoff & Johnson、Ricœur、Vico與Aristotle,突顯隱喻的常民性、經驗性與社群性對網路多媒體傳播研究的深意;接著探討視覺化對語藝學的意義,並以Arnheim的視覺創意研究,連結語言與視覺隱喻,盼能在日益視覺化的網路環境中促進媒介素養的反思。
This essay addresses the recent visual turn in communication research by exploring metaphors simply and directly as a visualization technique used by rhetors to engage audiences and induce cooperation. Treated as representative of poetic wisdom in contrast to scientific knowledge, metaphors serve well to bridge the gap between verbal rhetoric and visual rhetorics. Drawing on Lakoff & Johnson, Ricœur, Vico and Aristotle, the author emphasizes the experiential and sociocultural characteristics of metaphors, which are highly relevant to our bodily existence and daily life. Then the significance of visualization in rhetorics and the role of both visual and verbal metaphors in the process are discussed. To enhance understanding of rhetorics as perception-based, the author refers to Gestalt psychologist Rudolf Arnheim for his rich study on visual thinking and expression creativity, thereby demonstrating that metaphors are not only at the core of communication competence but also are essential to multimedia literacies in the present network era.
起訖頁 63-106
關鍵詞 視覺語藝視覺化視覺思考媒介素養詩性之知隱喻visual rhetoricsvisualizationvisual thinkingmultimedia literaciespoetic wisdommetaphors
刊名 中華傳播學刊  
期數 201412 (26期)
出版單位 中華傳播學會
該期刊-上一篇 「現代轉型」論述的缺憾:一個語藝學者的考察
該期刊-下一篇 視覺性的超越與語藝的複訪:數位時代視覺語藝的初探性研究




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