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A Study on Synergy Bias of Media Conglomerates
作者 陳炳宏
當集團化成為媒體發展的趨勢後,集團即可能要求旗下新聞媒體刊播企業相關之訊息,雖然這與置入性行銷稍不同,但仔細深究,這不僅影響新聞的選擇及內容多元化,並傷害新聞媒體的專業與自主,學者稱為綜效偏差(synergy bias)。本研究即試圖解析綜效偏差對新聞內容多元的影響。結果顯示,平均每小時新聞報導約有30秒屬於綜效偏差新聞,其中以夜間新聞為最多,平均每則達104秒,而內容則以集團的頻道家族的相關活動報導為最多。
Following the inescapable trend of conglomeration, growth-driven activities such as mergers and acquisitions in the media industry have been the major market strategies for media companies in recent years. However, even though synergy may result in profit-growth from economic perspectives, researchers in academia of journalism and communication should focus on those topics such as how synergy bias of media conglomerates affect the content production of their news media from the viewpoint of the role of news media in a democratic society. This study is devoted to exploring the following question: What are synergy biases in news reports caused by synergy strategies of media conglomerates? The study found that there was averagely 30 seconds of synergy bias news within one-hour news reports. Most of synergy bias news appeared in the time slot of the late night news. In addition, the most often appearing content of synergy bias news is television channel family's activities and programming.
起訖頁 177-213
關鍵詞 媒體集團媒體內容多元綜效策略綜效偏差衛星電視頻道synergysynergy biascable channelcontent diversityproduct placement
刊名 中華傳播學刊  
期數 200912 (16期)
出版單位 中華傳播學會
該期刊-上一篇 新聞自由對貪污的影響:全球資料的實證研究
該期刊-下一篇 有線電視不同付費機制對頻道產製與消費的影響




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