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The Impact of Peer Relationships, Conformity, and Cognitive Empathy of Bystander Behavioral Intentions for Cyberbullying
作者 劉正杰董旭英 (Yuk-Ying Tung)
本研究以「旁觀者」(bystander)角度切入,探討同儕關係、從眾行為與認知同理心對網路霸凌行為的影響。綜觀過往實徵研究,網路行為受到個體人際互動關係與情感認知能力的影響,其中社會影響是個體抉擇網路行為的條件之一。是以,本研究以「同儕關係」、「從眾行為」與「認知同理心」三個因素來探討網路霸凌旁觀者的行為傾向,並以自陳式問卷調查與偏最小平方法結構方程模型(partial least squares-structural equation modeling, PLS-SEM),分析台南市12所國中的884位學生。研究結果發現,國中生的負向同儕關係、高從眾傾向、低程度認知同理心與助長網路霸凌行為有關。其次,國中生的正向同儕關係、高從眾傾向與高程度認知同理心有效預測旁觀者之保護行為。再者,局外者的行為與正向同儕關係和低認知同理心有關。最後,性別在從眾行為與保護者模型上有顯著差異。本研究依據研究結果進行討論,並提出教學實務現場與未來網路霸凌相關研究之建議。
The purpose of this study was to investigate bystander behavioral intentions when adolescents witnessed cyberbullying. Self-reported data were collected from 884 junior high school students in Taiwan. The results indicated that adolescents who had negative peer relationship, higher conformity and lower levels of cognitive empathy were more likely to join in cyberbullying as perpetrators. Adolescents who had negative peer relationships, higher conformity, and lower levels of cognitive empathy were more likely to be a facilitator to reinforce or assist the cyberbullies. With positive peer relationships, lower conformity, and higher levels of cognitive empathy, adolescents were more likely to be a defender to help the victims. Outsiders were related to positive peer relationship and lower levels of cognitive empathy. In addition, girls who had higher conformity than boys would be less likely to help the victims. The implications of this research on cyberbullying are discussed.
起訖頁 101-124
關鍵詞 同儕關係旁觀者行為傾向從眾行為認知同理心網路霸凌peer relationshipsbystander behavioral intentionsconformitycognitive empathycyberbullying
刊名 中華心理學刊  
期數 201806 (60:2期)
出版單位 台灣心理學會
該期刊-上一篇 國小三年級、六年級兒童及大學生字彙處理歷程中語意部件扮演角色之發展變化
該期刊-下一篇 成人期職涯危機調適行動探索




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