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Perplexing Indigenous Self-Government within Polyethnic Liberal Democracy: The Cases of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
作者 范秀羽
As an attempt to look into where a liberal democracy, as embracing and accommodating diverse communities, stands on the issue of indigenous selfdetermination, this Article conducted a comparative analysis on the development of indigenous self-determination in four countries: the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, all are with a legal system of common-law tradition and a history of British colonial settlement. This Article seeks to unveil the possible reasons why these four countries share a common hesitation for the embodiment and interpretation of indigenous people’s right of self-determination. Focusing mainly on criticizing the basic model of self-government in the United States, which has long recognized tribal sovereignty, this Article also adopts a simple categorization, sorting the implementation of indigenous self-determination by the four countries into the tribal sovereignty model, the tribal government model, the co-management model and other practices, to point out how the different models influence the realization of indigenous self-determination in the long run. This Article also comments on how these four countries, as liberal democracies, face a problematic situation of balancing the constitutional rights based on individualism and egalitarianism and the rights of indigenous tribes and people.
起訖頁 103-137
關鍵詞 部落主權原住民族自治比較研究平等主義Tribal SovereigntyIndigenous Self-GovernmentComparative StudyEgalitarianism
刊名 憲政時代  
期數 201810 (44:2期)
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
該期刊-上一篇 我國憲法上未列舉權利之發展
該期刊-下一篇 終審法院員額之規範指引與最適規模──考量行為科學觀點的憲法分析




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