中文摘要 |
Due to rapid urban development in recent years, buildings have become taller and taller and population has increased dramatically such that most of the general residents are living in apartments or buildings more than 5 stories tall. Household water is mostly distributed to each household by water pump such that it is more likely for the higher floors to encounter the problem of insufficient water pressure, especially during the peak hour of water usage. We have to rely on the pressure pump to solve this issue, but the operation of traditional pressure pump relies on electricity, leading to issues of noise and vibration generations. In this study we proposed the concept wind power pressure pump equipment. The idea is transform wind power resources into air pressure and then apply in building water supply system, such as the natural wind power ,wind blew for existing air conditioning equipment on the roof and the temperature difference within building pipelines. The main purpose of this study is to reduce the noise and vibration issues resulted from the operation of traditional pressure pump. We can achieve the goal of electricity saving through the concept of energy recycling in order to meet the appeal of green life. In this stage, we built the prototype of wind powered air pressure pump. The testing of wind pressure motor performance in this research includes the air pressure compressed the air into gas tank and compressed the water via release air pressure. The result shows that the water pressure produced via the wind power air pressure pump is consistent with the standard of water pressure in the past water supply projects, which should be kept at 1kg/cm2.
近年來,由於快速的都市發展,使得居住於五層樓以上公寓或大樓之人口逐漸增加。一般而言,建築物給水系統是透過抽水馬達將水抽取至建築物頂樓之蓄水塔,再以重力給水方式發送至各戶。隨著樓層越高,距離水塔的水位差也隨著變小,因而容易發生水壓不足的情況,目前普遍解決方式為於建築頂樓裝設加壓馬達使高樓層之住戶能獲得穩定的水壓,然而傳統加壓馬達需倚靠電力運轉,且運轉時易產生噪音及振動等問題。因此,本研究提出風力加壓馬達設備概念,主要將大樓頂樓之自然風力、空調設備產生風力、管道間內冷熱差等各種可能性之風動力轉換為空氣壓力,以提供建築給水系統足夠水壓,目的為減少傳統加壓馬達運轉時所帶來噪音及振動問題,期許藉由能源回收再利用之概念達到節省用電目的,符合綠色生活的訴求。本階段研究成果為風力加壓馬達之雛形建立,以及風動力轉換水壓運作效能之驗證,實驗項目為利用風力加壓空氣與空氣壓力使用於水壓加壓之基本性能測試,實驗結果得知,由風力所產生的水壓力符合自來水工程供水水壓應保持在1kg/cm^2的設施標準。 |