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The Design of Interactive Services in a Smart City Node
作者 王聖銘 (Sheng-Ming Wang)黃絜如 (Chieh Ju Huang)
This research is focused on the effects of establishing an interactive service node in a city employing the concepts of smart city development. In today's cities, our everyday lives are increasingly shaped by various technologies and infrastructures, which we encounter everywhere and often. This research investigates this modern condition and their implication for the design of an interactive service node that incorporates smart city concepts. This research begins with a literature review of smart city design and city node development. Then, the servicescape concept of city pedestrian flow is discussed. Thirdly, the research plan and methodologies based on user-centered design and service design are proposed. Furthermore, user observation and the proposed methodology are implemented in the case study area, which is the city node located near Exit 4 of the ZhongXiao-Xinsheng Taipei MRT station. Finally, three design prototypes—the Green Trellis and Smart Bench combination, the Shrub Barriers for Sidewalk Safety improvement, and the Interactive Kiosk and Digital Signage Installation—are proposed and discussed. This research establishes that designing an interactive service node in a “smart city” is different than designing the same products and services as individual components. One reason for this is because in the social space of a city there is no structured sequence of actions and interactions. Every person experiences—and interacts in—a social space in his or her own unique way. This multiplicity of actions makes each user’s perception of the city “not sustained, but partial, fragmentary, mixed with other concerns” .By integrating user-centered design and service design to map experiences and then to rank design attributes, this research emphasized that the final users are the main object of this type of research. Consequently, the research data has helped to identify the design ideas which appear to be most beneficial and promising for improving the users' experiences. Thus, this research demonstrated that the methodologies used were valid for evaluating the design of an interactive service node for a smart city. 本研究聚焦於探討在智慧城發展的概念下,如何在城市節點建置互動服務的設計及其效益評估。本研究將探討在智慧城市的發展趨勢下,如何在城市節點導入互動服務的設計、規劃與評估。本研究首先將透過文獻回顧,探討智慧城市的定義、設計概念以及城市節點發展。其次將探討城市行人的使用者情境及其服務環境。而後依據前述的討論與分析結果提出本研究針對以使用者為中心的的設計、服務設計、以及參與式觀察的規劃。並提出研究方法及個案研究的地區規劃。本研究將以台北市捷運忠孝新生站四號出口的周遭作為個案研究的場域。最後,則將探討本研究針對個案研究場域之城市節點互動服務設計所提出之智慧街道家具設計、危險空間改造提案、以互動資訊看板及媒體燈柱陣列之雛形設計規劃。本研究的成果顯示,智慧城市節點的互動服務設計與一般產品設計,或針對個人化需求的的設計,有極大的差異。其主要的原因在於城市節點之社交空間中,其所產生的的行動以及互動並無法用結構化的序列來表示。導致每一位使用者都用它獨特的經驗與城市節點的場域產生不同的互動。而這種多樣性的互動,易讓使用者感受到城市中具「非永續性的發展、局部性、零碎性、以及混雜性」的特質,而建立其負面的使用者經驗。然而本研究藉由以使用者為中心的設計及服務設計的整合,以及對互動設計屬性的排序與分類後,將設計主體回歸到使用者,並以其為解決問題的核心後,將可提出符合使用者應用情境需求的互動服務設計。因此,本研究所提出的研究方法及透過參與式觀察所彙整的研究成果,將有助於將智慧城市節點中互動服務的設計,透過使用者經驗的主軸,做更明確的闡述與衍生。研究結果也證明本研究所提出的方法可應用於未來智慧城市節點之互動服務設計。
起訖頁 17-32
關鍵詞 智慧城市城市節點互動服務以人為中心的設計服務設計Smart CityCity NodeInteractive ServiceUser-Centered DesignService Design
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201412 (10期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 戰後台灣的社區營造發展:一個由產、官、學論述角度出發的觀察
該期刊-下一篇 考慮工址放大效應之建築耐震補強




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