中文摘要 |
It is important to consider the embodied energy of buildings and not solely the operational energy required to run them. This paper discusses potential ways of reducing the embodied energy of construction projects, utilising strategies such as design for deconstruction and the reuse of materials. However, there are barriers preventing wide use of this approach-these are discussed along with possible strategies for overcoming them. Design for deconstruction and material reuse could be encouraged through environmental assessment methods. Three assessment methods (BREEAM, LEED and Green Star) are analysed and contrasted, investigating the current scope of credits that reward material reuse and design for deconstruction. An analysis is then undertaken of LEED platinum projects, examining how many projects actually achieve material reuse credits, and if this varies depending on the building type or location. This paper proposes that current environmental assessment methods be expanded to more actively encourage the practice of design for deconstruction, with a view to increasing the supply of reused materials.
顧慮到建築物蘊藏能源而不僅是用於建築物之所需運作能源相當重要。本文乃在探討減少建築計畫之蘊藏能源,使用策略如解構與物料再使用等設計。然而,本方法之使用還是有多重阻礙--這邊會提出可能之因應策略。解構與物質再利用設計可透過環境評估方法來得到依據。運用這些評估方法(BREEAM、LEED與綠色之星)來進行分析與評估,調查現行獎勵材料再利用與解構設計等範圍。接著以一項分析來檢驗LEED之白金獎項案例,若此改變乃端視建築物之類型與地點,檢視究竟有多少計畫實際達成物料再利用。本文建議,現行之環境評估方法可以擴大物料再利用之供給,並以此概念來延伸啟發解構設計之實行。 |