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Livindex: Situational Energy Awareness for Sustainable Living
作者 陳柏均鄭泰昇
Energy is becoming the major issue for creating a sustainable living environment. The lack of awareness of energy consumption becomes the barrier for users who are willing to behave in sustainable way. A number of technologies have been developed to digitalize the energy consumption for both power demand and supply, such as smart meters and smart grids, which are becoming the government policy in numerous countries. However, the existing electric utilities in old buildings are hard to change or upgrade to smart meters. Furthermore, it remains a big barrier for users to measure energy at any time anywhere in individual appliance level.In this paper, we propose an in-home energy visualization framework, which is featured with three aspects: 1) a non-intrusive way to digitalize the electronic energy use, 2) wire-free energy monitoring to the appliance-level, and 3) an open framework for seamless integration with future service. The major contributions in this paper includes: 1) The energy visualization framework-Livindex suggested an in-home energy awareness system seamlessly integrated with individual appliances and energy awareness tools, 2) The energy data collection method, which the system components currently process, record and output energy data, will become a major breakthrough by which energy information in old buildings can be easily visualized, and 3) Visualization of digitalized energy data has encouraged user awareness of energy consumption. The proposed system has been implemented and tested in a workspace for long-term monitoring energy consumption. The system design and implementation are described and discussed in this paper. 能源已經成為創造永續生活環境的主要議題。缺少能源消耗的感知已經成為使用者永續生活的阻礙。現今有諸多將能源消耗數位化的技術,如智慧電錶跟智慧電網,已成為許多國家的能源政策。然而,在現今舊建築中的電力設備不易修改或升級為數位電錶。再者,要隨時隨地測量單一設備的能源使用,對使用者來說是一大阻礙。本研究欲提出居家能源視覺化的框架,具備以下三項特色:1)使用非侵入的方式將能源數位化,2)無線監控單裝置的能源消耗,3)一個開放式的框架,無縫的整合未來服務。本研究的主要貢獻包含:1)一個能源視覺化的框架--居家生活資料庫,提供居家的能源感知系統,與單一電器及感知工具無接縫的整合,2)能源資料收集的方法,包含目前系統元件運行、記錄與輸出能源資料將會是在舊有建築中視覺化能源資訊的重要突破,3)視覺化的能源資訊將提高使用者對能源消耗的感知。本研究所提出的系統已經在生活場域中實作且 經過長時間的測試。本報告將描述並討論此系統的設計與執行。
起訖頁 35-47
關鍵詞 能源感知永續生活能源視覺化Energy AwarenessSustainable LivingEnergy Visualization
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201012 (2期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 以矽力康固定靠牆櫃體之耐震性能研究
該期刊-下一篇 鋼筋混凝土無側位移細長柱互動設計與分析




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