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A study on the methods for landslide revegetation in Taiwan
作者 胡元瑋何郁庭馬復京游漢明
植生復舊是防止崩塌後土砂流失、抑制崩塌擴大的有效方法。本研究於2014年在六龜研究中心進行崩塌地種子撒播試驗,並於2018年進行發芽檢測複查。結果顯示,灌溉對崩塌後出現的小苗株數無明顯效應;撒播的成效不如預期,但兩次調查所得到的發芽株數相近,顯示崩塌地亦可藉由天然下種或土壤種子庫,進行天然復育。此外,土壤種子庫小苗多為陽性樹種,但它們與崩塌地天然更新的物種不盡相同。薄瓣懸鉤子的種子在常溫狀態下儲藏9個月會流失不少活力,但以4℃儲藏可減緩其種子活力的流失。常溫儲藏可在9個月內妥善保存波葉山螞蝗種子活力。未來如果沒急迫的崩塌治理需求,天然復育是個可以採取的方法。 Vegetation restoration is an effective method to prevent soil loss and reduce the expansion of landslides after disturbance. This research conducted a seed sowing test at Liouguei research center in 2014 and revisited in 2018. The results showed that effects of irrigation on stem number of seedlings was unnoticeable. The result of the seed sowing wasn't as good as expected. The numbers of germinating plants observed by the two surveys was similar, indicating that landslide sites can also be naturally colonized through seed rains and soil seed banks. In addition, the seeds from the soil seed bank are mostly lightdemanding species, but these species could barely represent species which colonized landslide sites without human aid. Seed viability of Rubus piptopetalus dropped dramatically after storage at room temperature for 9 months, but storage at 4℃ reduced viability loss. Room temperature storage could preserve seed viability of Desmodium sequax for no longer than 9 month. In the future, natural regeneration is an option for landslide remediation if there is no urgent need of remediation.
起訖頁 289-298
關鍵詞 崩塌地種子撒播陽性樹種植生復育landslide areaseed spreadingshade intolerant speciesvegetation restoration
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201812 (40:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 菌根菌與土壤細菌間之交互作用




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