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Embedded Temporal Experience: An Analysis of the Temporal Structure of Social Media Usage in Daily Life
作者 余貞誼
當社群媒介挾帶跨越時間界限的物質基礎而來,一種新的時間觀/時間經驗也被預言將會誕生。本篇文章以手機app和電腦瀏覽器來蒐集人們使用社群媒介的時間資料,將時間性切分為時間長度、節奏、時間點、週期和例外性這五個向度,來探究其所浮現的時間經驗之樣貌。研究發現,社群媒介在日常生活所促成的是一種鑲嵌式的時間經驗。這意味著,即使社群媒介具有跨越時間界線的物質潛力,但它們座落在日常生活時間結構的方式,仍是鑲嵌在特定情境脈絡中,與各種社會關係、文化期待、技術支援和生活儀式等因素相互協商,形成一種具有個人理解和意義詮釋的存在。提出如此的鑲嵌性,能讓我們看見社群媒介的使用時間經驗並不只是站在物質基礎上的被動採用,而是立基於個人化情境脈絡的主動納入過程,人們會運用各種管理、選擇、控制、和協商時間性的策略,來開展出社群媒介進駐於生活中的獨特秩序感和存在意義。 The material affordances of social media can transcend the boundaries of time, which may lead to new temporal experiences. This study uses a mobile phone app and a web browser (Chrome) to collect temporal data of users' social media usage and divides temporality into five dimensions, including duration, tempo, temporal location, cycles, and exception, to construct the temporal structure of social media uses in daily life. The results show that usage of social media in daily life contributes to an embedded temporal experience. This means that even if social media have thematerial affordance to transcend the boundaries of time, the way they are located in the temporal structure of daily life is embedded in a specific context and becomes personally meaningful by negotiating with social relations, cultural expectations, technical support, and life rituals. Proposing the embeddedness of social media, we can see that the usage of social media is not only passively adopted on a material basis, but it is also actively incorporated based on individual contexts. People embody various forms of agency, including crafts of management, selection, control, and negotiation, to develop a unique order and meanings of social media's existence in daily life.
起訖頁 1-57
關鍵詞 社群媒介時間經驗生活紀錄例行性social mediatemporal experiencelifeloggingroutine
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201806 (35期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 追求教學卓越?台灣高教的表現管理建制研究




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