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作者 張良
黃河不僅僅是一道地理屏障,更是一條政治、經濟分界線。在金代,黃河的決徙、流向與當時政治地理格局密切相關,而地理格局則影響著國家政治、經濟決策。通過觀察金代黃河流向與決徙,可以更好地把握金代政治與經濟的通盤運作,進而加深對當時統治集團諸多政策的理解。金朝向來是黃河史研究中的薄弱環節。本文旨在釐清金代黃河決徙及河道變遷的面貌;在此基礎上靠近金人治河的決策過程,並揭示出其背後的深層原因。 The Yellow River has not merely been a geographic barrier, but also a political and economic boundary. The flow and positional changes of the Yellow River from 1128-1234, during which time northern China was governed by the Jin 金 dynasty, were closely related to the geographic patterns of this period that significantly impacted the decision-making processes of the Jin government. However, regarding research on the Yellow River, the Jin dynasty has received little attention. Starting from basic textual research and sorting through historical materials, my article aims to gain a new perspective and elucidate the features of both water flow and transitions in the course of the river; and on this basis, I probe into the decision-making processes and specific ideas concerning the governance of the Yellow River during the Jin dynasty, as well as revealing the underlying reasons for these policy decisions.
起訖頁 133-173
關鍵詞 黃河地理格局經濟腹地The Yellow Rivergeographic patterneconomic frontier
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201906 (37:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 北宋陣圖問題再檢討
該期刊-下一篇 隱沒的軌跡―—宋元明轉折期福建莆陽陳宓及其後學




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