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自從十九世紀初近代民族主義浪潮席捲全歐以來,德意志及波蘭世界亦分別與起德意志民族統一與波蘭復國運動的訴求,然而由於德波兩方所欲建構的民族國家疆域,彼此犬牙交錯、混雜交疊,致使德波民族問題的和平併解,成為無解難題。在普魯士王國取得德意志民族統一的主導權,並將普屬波蘭視為不可分割之一部而併入德意志第二帝國之後,終使德波民族關係迅速惡化。尤其1871年德意志民族國家建構之後,訴求境內人民同質性,消弭異質性的想法,成為民族主義者奉行不貳的準則,此際人口總數佔帝國少數民族最大宗的波蘭人遂成箭靶。為達成「日耳曼化」的終極目標,於是中古時期建國於普魯士、並作為波羅的海區域霸權而雄視於東北歐的德意志騎士團國家,其歷史就成為民族主義者備極推崇的典範,欲以之作為第二帝國的波蘭政策指導方針。面對德方將騎士團國家作為打壓波蘭的武器,波蘭民族主義者亦採取以彼之道還施彼身的作法,強調騎士團國家最終臣服於波蘭的光輝史實,但作為對抗第二帝國壓迫的精神戰力,於是騎士團國家史就在德波民族敵對的背景下,淪為政治鬥爭的工具。本文將以中世紀德意志騎士團國家史作為政治鬥爭工具的發展為題,詳觀其於近代德波民族互動史上所扮演的關鍵性角色,析論騎士團國家史何以會成為德波關係上極具爭議課題之所由。 In the tide of nationalism across Europe since the early nineteenth century, Germany encountered the German national unification movement, while Poland experienced the call for restoring Polish independence. Accordingly, there was no solution to the relationship between Germany and Poland. With the Kingdom of Prussia's domination of the German unification movement, and its view of Prussian Poland as an inseparable part of the Second Reich (Deutsches Kaiserreich), German-Polish relationship quickly worsened. In particular, after the establishment of the German nation-state in 1871, the Germans tried to homogenize the population in their country. The Poles therefore became the target of attacks as they outnumbered other ethnic minorities. In order to “Germanize” the Poles, the nationalists in Prussia valued the history of the State of the Teutonic Order with its conquering and colonization elements and modeled its policy after it. In order to fight against the Germans, Poland valorized the history of the Polish Jagiełłonian Dynasty that overpowered the German State of the Teutonic Order. Against such background of the contradictory relationship between the Germans and the Poles, the history of the State of the Teutonic Order was consequently nationalized and became a political instrumental for both. This study regards the history of the State of the Teutonic Order as an instrument of political struggle, and analyzes the role it played in the history of modern German-Polish relation. It discusses the reasons and processes through which the history of the State of the Teutonic Order became a controversial issue in German-Polish relationship.
起訖頁 133-199
關鍵詞 德意志騎士團國家波蘭雅捷弗王朝1410 古恩瓦爾德/地能貝格戰役德波民族鬥爭向東壓進The State of the Teutonic OrderPolish Jagiełłonian DynastyBattle of Grunwald / Tannenberg of 1410German-Polish National StrugglesDrang nach Osten
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201906 (56期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 情報與外交:從檔案論王芃生與國際問題研究所(1937-1946)




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