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作者 葉高華
近年來,有些學者利用校務資料回應下列質疑:「多元入學有利家境好的學生」。這是關於學生家庭背景的爭議,但校務資料正好缺乏家庭背景資訊。因此這類研究若不是迴避真正的問題,就是以學生戶籍地的平均所得代替其家庭背景。問題是,地區特性與家庭背景處於不同層次:有利鄉下學生的措施不等於有利低社經家庭。換言之,鄉下的高社經家庭有可能比都會區的低社經家庭獲得更多機會。再者,即使某種入學管道更容易收到特定背景的學生,未必就能指控制度「不公平」,因為這不能排除是該管道使學生與科系獲得更好的匹配。倘若論者欲主張入學制度偏袒中上階層子女,應證明他們的學業能力或匹配度為入學制度所高估而獲得錄取。我們需要透過社會調查蒐集學生的家庭背景資訊,才有辦法釐清爭議。本文以中山大學的調查資料為例,示範釐清相關爭議的邏輯與方法。 Scholars are increasingly using administrative data to determine whether multi-channel college admission system benefits the upper middle class. However, administrative data lack information about family background, and such research usually replaces it with the regional characteristics. One problem is that regional characteristics and family background operate at two different levels. A measure supportive of rural students does not necessarily benefit the students from low socioeconomic-status families. Moreover, even if an admission channel favors a certain type of student, it shouldn't automatically be considered unfair. A bias favoring upper middle class students should mean that they are admitted due to overestimation for the academic ability or matching degree. It is necessary to use social surveys to collect information on the family backgrounds of students. This paper uses Sun Yat-sen University survey data to demonstrate the logic and methods for clarifying these issues.
起訖頁 171-195
關鍵詞 多元入學社經地位城鄉差異學業表現multi-channel admissionsocioeconomic statusurban-rural differencesacademic performance
刊名 臺灣社會學刊  
期數 201812 (64期)
出版單位 臺灣社會學會
該期刊-上一篇 市場與社會交鋒:電子業與新興化學品管制的形構




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