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Analyses of the Responsibility of Active Servicemen to Joint Wrongful Acts
作者 林文村
陸海空軍懲罰法第7條第1項對於多數人參與違失行為之情形已有明文規範,惟對該規定應如何解釋適用,存在諸多爭議,而不僅無實務意見足供依循,更乏學說見解可資參考,當實務發生多數人共同實施違失行為之類案時,如何適法的論罰,恐造成實務執行面的困擾。本文從刑法、行政罰法之相類似法制觀點,透過二法學說與實務的交互觀察,並輔以懲罰法之規範目的及本條項之立法意旨,提出實務執行面的意見,期求個案適用之適法性。 Art.7.1 of the Armed Forces Punishment Act records the condition of Joint Wrongful Acts, while there are still some sort of arguments about the application and explanation of the rule, and presently there is no opinion in neither practice nor academic circles, so it may lead to trouble in practical implementation when people try to make suitable operation in analogous cases about Joint Wrongful Acts. This paper puts forward suggestions on the practical implementation through the mutual observation between similar legal system view of the Criminal Law and the Administrative Penalty Act, and the purpose of the Armed Forces Punishment Act complemently to seekthe appropriateness of each cases.
起訖頁 65-86
關鍵詞 共同違失行為參與單一行為人概念合義務性裁量Joint Wrongful ActsParticipationConcept of Unitary PerpetratorCompulsory Discretion
刊名 軍法專刊  
期數 201906 (65:3期)
出版單位 軍法專刊社
該期刊-上一篇 軍隊修復式程序運用衝突調解之實務研析
該期刊-下一篇 新修強制執行法就強制扣薪規定之評釋




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